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From the Board
By Marilyn Byrd, AHRD Board Member
Discovering the Possibilities in Human Relations
First, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as a Board member for the Academy. AHRD has been my professional home for over 10 years and for this reason, I am vested in its continued growth. In keeping with the significance of a place one calls home, I offer reflections of professional organizations as communities of practice and consider the foundations of human relations that are contained in the idea of community.
This past fall, I developed and taught the first human resource development graduate course in the Department of Human Relations at the University of Oklahoma. Similar to the field of human resource development, human relations has a multidisciplinary focus that can prepare students for a range of professions. One of the projects I created for this course required students to search for a professional organization they would be interested in joining past their Masters’ degrees. I was pleased to see that a number of students identified AHRD as a potential for making their professional home. But this is not surprising, given that human relations and human resource development are close relatives.
While discovering possible professional memberships was one goal of the project, another goal was to recognize how the organization of choice satisfied the generally recognized idea of a community of practice: a place where shared interests, passions, and expertise regularly bring people together to explore and expand bodies of knowledge. The AHRD community was my inspiration for creating this assignment because those ideals are precisely what we do, particularly during our conference venues. Then in our special interest groups, we engage with our dedicated communities to move shared ideas into other arenas.
As I further refined this course, my researcher instinct kicked in as I realized that despite the commonalities, human relations as a topic area is missing from HRD research. This is significant to point out because not only is human relations a founding principle of HRD, a human relations philosophy offers a strong foundation for building and supporting community. As a humanistic endeavor, human relations is a fruitful area for expanding HRD research.
Designing this course has certainly given me new perspectives. But the important discovery I made is that I am uniquely positioned as a researcher and educator to contribute to my community of practice and to build academic programs that integrate human relations and HRD. It is an exciting prospect — moving HRD into new frontiers!
Human relations employs an educative process to enable individuals, groups, and communities to achieve the highest possible degree of overall well-being. This process reflects the changing ideological meaning of freedom in a democratic society and influences the life of the person, the unity of the group, and the work of the community.
Thomas Millard, Human Relations in a Changing Society
News for Members |
Submission Date EXTENDED to June 30, 2017: 2017 Asia AHRD Conference in India, Nov. 8-10, 2017
Please note that the Submission dates have changed as noted below:
June 30, 2017 – Extended Abstracts (1,200-1,500 words) Due for Full & WIP Papers (must include Research Methodology description)
July 15, 2017 – Acceptance of Extended Abstracts
August 15, 2017 – Full Paper and Work-in-Process Submissions Due
September 15, 2017 – Revision Comments Notifications Sent
October 5, 2017 – Camera-Ready Papers Due
October 15, 2017 – Final Program Published
Information may be found on the Conference Website.
Hoping to see you in India for this conference!
Rajashi (2017 Asia AHRD Conference Coordinator)
Dr. Minnis Appointed the Associate Proceedings Editor of the 2018 AHRD Conference in the Americas
The 2018 AHRD Conference Committee on behalf of the AHRD Board is happy to announce the appointment of Sarah Minnis, Ph.D. as the Associate Proceedings Editor of the 2018 Conference. The Associate Proceedings Editor is a critical leadership and volunteer position within AHRD. The appointment requires a three-year commitment that includes advancement to a position of increased responsibility in each successive year. The effective term of Dr. Minnis’ appointment is March 2017 through March 2020. |
Dr. Minnis is the CEO and Principal Consultant at Anthology Consulting LLC. She has over 20 years of higher education, career advising, and organization development experience with ten years specifically advocating for veterans’ education and employment. As a recognized leader in research and practice addressing veterans’ transition and career development, Minnis has published and presented nationally and internationally on her research and expertise. Through her consulting practice, Minnis has developed a program of support and training to help higher education and employment communities better understand the value, and more effectively utilize the talents, of the veterans they serve. Minnis serves as adjunct faculty in the Education Administration and Human Resource Development program at Texas A&M University as well as doctoral advisor and subject matter expert with Grand Canyon University. Sarah holds a Ph.D. in HRD from Texas A&M University, an MA degree in student affairs from Western Kentucky University, and an MA degree in psychology from Central Washington University.
Journal News
The 18th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 7-9 June.
- At this conference, HRDQ editors will lead a symposium, Promoting Your Research Via Social Media. This is aimed at HRD scholars, practitioners, and doctoral students. It will provide a forum to learn about social media strategy (i.e., What are my research publication goals? How can I use social media to help me achieve these goals?); suggest ways to track an “individual social media impact factor”; discuss social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and discuss research-specific platforms such as GoogleScholar, ResearchGate,, Altmetrics, Kudos and ORCID. All who attend this UFHRD conference are warmly invited to join us!
- There will also be an informal meeting of the HRDQ Editorial Board at the conference.
The latest issue of HRDQ offers free access to all articles.
The following article has been added recently to HRDQ Early View:
- Melrona Kirrane, Marianne Breen and Cliodhna O’Connor, A Qualitative Study on the Consequences of Intensive Working. DOI: 10.1002/hrdq.21284
For all articles on Early View, visit our website.
HRD SCHOLARS: Make Use of GoogleScholar
Have you activated your GoogleScholar profile? If so, have you added “human resource development” and HRD as areas of interest? These terms function like “hashtags,” and allow others to find your work online.
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Author Podcast
This issue’s podcast features Doctoral student Chang-kyu Kwon, co-author of “Managing Diversity Through Triple-Loop Learning: A Call for Paradigm Shift” (with Dr. Aliki Nicolaides) from the University of Georgia College of Education. Learn more about their recent work.
HRDR Reviewers
HRDR is proud to be part of AHRD’s journal family. The success of our journal and its scholarly contributions to the field of HRD depend on our editorial team and board as much as our reviewers’ expertise. Our journal is always looking to expand its reviewer pool. We invite AHRD members who have not yet had the opportunity to serve the Academy in this respect to submit their CVs to our journal to be considered for our reviewer base. We welcome diversity of thought and experience to help strengthen the selection of published work.
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Final Thoughts
By Robin Grenier, Digest Editor
We would like to send our thoughts and good wishes to AHRD Board Member Jason Moats, for a speedy recovery.
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never walk alone.
By Robin S. Grenier, Digest Editor, AHRD Board Member |
About the Digest
Be sure to let us know if you move or if you change email addresses. You can sign in to your profile or email us at |
Contributors to this Issue
- Robin Grenier, Editor
- Marilyn Byrd
- Rajashi Ghosh
The editors reserve the right to select and edit articles submitted.
The AHRD Digest is published electronically the second week of each month. Please submit ideas and content that would be valuable to members to by the 10th day of the month previous. |